This hunting season I got to help in a search and rescue, capture a run away mule and listen to the dog nightly as they informed me that there was a moose in camp. AH, such good times.
Now that I have all that out of my system, I hope you all had a great week off from the ABC Challenge. Were you able to get some good "G" photos? I hope so, as I am wanting to see what your interpretations are.
This weeks photos are brought to you by the letter -
Here are y photos for this weeks challenge - the letter "G". Enjoy as they aren't to in-Generous. Just some ordinary items that needed a photographed.
What would the letter "G" be without a Ghost? Handmade by yours truly back in the day when I use to spend more time with my power tools than my camera. Perhaps someday I will open up my wood shed and start cutting out some more wood items. Perhaps.
Last bloom of the last Geranium. It is predicted snow for Sunday, 4" of it. We shall se as I have heard this rumor before. Perhaps I should bring this Glorious Geranium indoors for the winter. Perhaps.
Gears, Groves and Grunge! Parts of an old baler that has seen better days.
Glorious and Gorgeous. I love full moon photos. Taken from my camp spot as it came over the mountains. Just with that I could get moon details and mountains all in one shot. Guess I will have to start bracketing my photos for that look.
"G" is for greenery. I didn't even notice that I had this winged critter in the shot until I up-loaded. Oh and these berries are good for nothing other than looks.
"G" is for Golden Autumn leaves. I have never seen so much fall color so late in the season before. LOVE IT!
Last "G" photo is for a happy GRIN. Love the BIG blue eyes on the man cub.
Now it is your turn for you ABC Photo Share and for any of those that are new to this challenge, here is what the Alphabet (ABC) Photo Challenge is all about.
The Alphabet (ABC) Photo Challenge is a means of encouraging us all to get out of our comfort zone, take our cameras and be creative with how we see each letter of the alphabet. Each week (Sunday) we start off with a new alphabet letter, we will go in consecutive order, a,b,c,d,e etc.
You can take a picture every day or just once a week using the letter as a guideline, that's totally up to you. Then Link your Alphabet photos to the challenge thread. If you don't get one every day, don't feel bad, this is all for fun, practice and seeing the world around you in a new way.
The Alphabet (ABC) Photo Challenge is a means of encouraging us all to get out of our comfort zone, take our cameras and be creative with how we see each letter of the alphabet. Each week (Sunday) we start off with a new alphabet letter, we will go in consecutive order, a,b,c,d,e etc.
You can take a picture every day or just once a week using the letter as a guideline, that's totally up to you. Then Link your Alphabet photos to the challenge thread. If you don't get one every day, don't feel bad, this is all for fun, practice and seeing the world around you in a new way.
Please remember to leave some love, comments and encouragement for those that are also participating in the ABC Photo Challenge, we could all use some that. You're welcome join us whenever you'd like as often as you like! Now lets get out there and shoot something.
You can find more information about the "Alphabet Shoot Challenge" by visiting Right HERE and don't forget you can add my ABC button to your blog if you like.
Here is where you link up your ABC Photo Challenge Post! Please make sure that you link-up to only the Challenge Post and not your whole Blog. You can do this by clicking on your Challenge Posts Title and then copy and past that into the URL spot.
Please only link to your blog POST that is about the ABC Photo Challenge. thanks
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So glad that you are back:-) Sounds like you have a great time.
I love your moon picture. Wow!!! My husband is on a search and rescue team here in Georgia.
LOVE that little ghost! And, the moon certainly is glorious!
Incredible moon shot! wow!
great pictures. love the fall foliage
My favorites are the Gears Grooves and Grunge... and the Glorious and Gorgeous shot! WOW!!! That is the perfect name for that one!
I did decide to join yoin you, I love to see all the great entries :)
Have a Groovy Week!!!
Great photos. Glad you are back. :)
Love the man cub grin!! Sweet that you call him a man cub!! love it! Oh... and those Gears... I LOVE taking pictures of that kind of fun ordinary stuff... Cool shot!! =) I will link up tomorrow... I was inspired yesterday to post about my dog that the world G.G.G.Gushes over... ha ha!!
Gorgeous "G"'s and glad to see you back! Especially love that grin and that gorgeous moon!
I love the idea of this challenge! If I have time, I will try to come up with a "G" photo! :)
Your ghost is so cute. I really like the gears photo.
Thanks for hosting it's a fun idea!
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