I stopped the car when I reach the seven mile mark on my trip meter and I couldn't believe what I found.
I had been out this way several times but never really paid much attention to my surrounding.
This old case tractor is still all intact. I had never been up to one this close and can you say,
Now I just have to do some searching on the net to find this tractors history.
I found out that this is a TRACTION ENGINE whatever the heck that is.
Danudin has left me this comment and said that, "technically it isn't a tractor it IS A Traction Engine, the piston is the give away, and about 30 time more powerful than a mere tractor. Love the images and the fact that it is still working can't last more than 200 years more in my estimation."
Thanks Danudin, you saved me allot of time.
Perhaps on my next photo shooting road trip, I will go 14 miles up north who know what I might find up there.

Sorry Barb not trying to cruel a Great shot but technically it isn't a tractor it IS A Traction Engine, the piston is the give away, and about 30 time more powerful than a mere tractor. Love the images and the fact that it is still working can't last more than 200 years more in my estimation.
What fabulous finds, these are all just awesome! I can hardly wait for your 14 mile trip! ;) You never know what is right around the corner!
What a terrific turn of events! This is a very neat tractor and your photos really showcase it well. BTW, I really like the look of your blog!
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