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March 24, 2009

{Day 46} Canine Companions

Theme #41 Canine Companions
I have always had a dog and think that I always will. There is just something about having one around. Is it security that they offer? Perhaps it's their willing to listen and not talking back. Or maybe it's just their willingness to be my loyal companion. I don't know why exactly I like have a dog, I just do. This is MAX my trusty cow dog that has kept me out of harms way many times.


Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

I have always thought like that until we adopted Darcy (Now passed alas)he was an eight year old persian that we had four more years and he was as doglike as any cat I have met. He would want to come when I whistled him but hay face it he was a cat thereby I was a mere servant. Australian sheep dogs are among the sharpest in the world, more brains than 60% of people.

Chesney said...

What loving portraits of your friends! I agree, my dogs are like my kids (but they don't talk back and they are always happy to see me)! LOL

Anonymous said...

Dogs do add another dimension to your life, I think. I like how you presented Max here with three views. He is beautiful!

Lorri said...

Beautiful shots of your wonderful companion.

Brita said...

Beautiful descripiton and shots of Max. He looks really nice, cuddly and someone who cares. Please give him a hug from me.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome guy, good that he has a job.

mljrbg said...

It's so nice to have such a faithful companion. He looks nice and comfy in these photos.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about having a dog. I've always had one also. I love the trio of Max...he's so looks so regal!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful series of photos. It's been years but I still miss hugging the dog I grew up with.