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January 07, 2012

Looking Back To Go Forward

Twenty-eleven is now just a thing of the past.  Looking back on the past I wonder if I have improved on anything?  Have I become better person?  I know that I didn't keep any of last years resolutions therefore I resign from making any for the new year.  Goals, are they really all that the write-ups say they are, are they really that important to have jotted down?  I think not.  I am just going to take one day, one hour at a time this new year.  It's time to STOP, look around, become familiar with what's going on around before it gone.
I really dislike schedules, to much like work.  I much rather just take life as it comes and learn to deal with it.

Added to the Little Red House  for their Mosaic Monday photo challenge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does that mean not even a 52 Challenge for 2012???